Now Both Types of Eichler Fence Patterns
- Thinline
- Wideline
Originally Joe Eichler produced only one fencing patter, and that was Wideline. However, now we produce both the Wideline and Thinline fencing.
- Made from kiln dried, tight knot western red cedar.
- 1×8 solid wood, not plywood.
- Grooved on one side, or both side option.
- Each wood plank covers approximately 7″ in width.
Immediately below is the Thinline pattern.
Below is a photo of the unique Eichler Fence.
This is milled out of 1×8, (measures an actual 7 1/4″ width)
Kiln Dried Tight Knot Cedar. As you can see it paints very well. This Eichler fencing is milled with the unique Eichler vertical groove and overlaps at each joint. Just like the original Eichler fence.
The quality of this Eichler fencing material is much better than “fence grade” and it mills beautifully!
Currently available in 4′, 6′ and 8′ lengths. Please scroll down to detailed views.
If you have questions or comments please call or email us.
Email us at [email protected] or call us at 415-883-5300.
These pictures show it before it has been painted. Once it is, the tight knots are difficult to see. Notice that the way the fence boards overlap, the joints are impossible to see, and there are no cracks or gaps.
Recently a customer decided to use our Eichler Fencing in a horizontal rather than vertical direction. Scroll through the pictures below and compare the different look it provides. Very creative!
Vertical Installation

*Standard pattern is grooved one side only.
**Double sided groove pattern also available. Call or email for details.

Double sided groove pattern makes a true “Good Neighbor” fence the overlapping joints provide true privacy, no gaps/cracks between the fence boards.

Below, frontside (smooth) of double sided fence pattern, this is a small mock up to show the general appearance.

Below, backside of double sidied fence pattern, this is a small mock up to show the general appearance. Notice one side is rough sawn, and the front side is smooth.

End View: Shows milled grooves on both sides, standard pattern is one side only.
Grooves are 3/8″ wide, 3/8″ deep and 2-1/4″ on center. Each board is 7-1/4″ wide and is milled to overlap the next board creating a real privacy fence.
Below, our Eichler fence used in a horizontal direction rather than vertical
Phase two of the horizontal fence and before paint and before the fence is capped
Below a great example of varied height contoured to follow the landscape
We like this shot showing the reflection of the fence in the rear picture windows. Yes, the homeowner likes their fence, but no, it’s not inside!